my email to oolong's owner and his reply
i am so sorry to hear of oolong's passing.
i have kept bunnies for nearly 10 years. 2 have passed on but one remains. her name is angel.
you can see some photos of her at my site:
oolong will be missed by many people.
oolong made me smile!
new york, new york
Thanks for warm email! I'm quite cheered up and feel saved
by your condolences. But I still mistake if Oolong is here,
and sometimes call him unconsciously.
I've bred rabbits for 23 years, so near the future I will get
a new rabbit, I think. I'm going to leave Oolong's homepage on
however new update will be over.
Since I'm a photographer, I wish to publish Oolong photo book
if possible.
Thank you for loving my Oolong so much!
Your Angel is so cute. And thank you for Oolong's photo
also on your site.
Hironori Akutagawa
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