tonight i took a kundalini yoga class at prana mandir with kim.
"Kundalini incorporates mantras (chanting), meditations, visualizations, and guided relaxation. It focuses on healing and "purifying" the mind, body, and emotions. Kundalini yoga is designed to activate the kundalini energy in the spine.
This is achieved with poses, breath control, chanting, and meditation. Kundalini yoga is beneficial in dealing with addictions, and many people find it a natural way of releasing endorphins just by breathing and doing the poses.
Kundalini yoga consists of poses combined with breath control, hand and finger gestures, body locks, chanting and meditation. You will practice precise postures; sounds and breathing that activate different parts of the body and the brain to produce specific results. "
it was very emotional and helped me release a lot of negative energy i've been storing in my chest and lungs. i felt like i was being held down by a lot of dirty air. one pose i surprised myself with was this one:

i'm extremely flexible and think i was meant to do yoga. i need to take more classes and want to learn so much more about it.
after yoga we had some tea and then went to Serendipity 3. i had chicken pot pie and for dessert we shared a HUGE ice cream sundae with peanut butter topping. it was heaven.
on my way home on the train i saw some army guys in the 71st/continental subway station. they were toteing M-16's and looked like they meant business. i recently found out 2 of my uncles are going to be sent to Iraq. they're in the reserves and in their 50's.
bryan told me he saw Michael Stipe today in the Apple store. he was using a computer right next to him. he has a scruffy patchy beard.
i just watched a documentary about Spencer Tunick, the guy who takes photos of naked people in public places. i really like him. he handed me his card on the streets of manhattan once, a few years back. i wanted to pose for him but i was too lazy to wake up and be there by 6 a.m.
people like him make me want to do more ART.
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