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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

called out sick from work this morning. today's excuse: migraine. when will i get the balls to quit?
things just keep popping up where i need cash and i can't see getting by without it for any period of time. like next month, i have joni's wedding in hilton head. 2 plane tickets plus 4 nights in a hotel room = over $1000 and that excludes other expenses like food and entertainment and cabs. there's always some hurdle. i think i'm trying to get 'let go' so perhaps i'll be able to receive unemployment in the event i am unable to find something else right away. but i don't even feel like "something else" will make me happy. no office job can ever make me happy. i need something better than that but what? i've been at this job for almost an entire year- a year of utter waste. i need to wake up and stop wasting my time and my life because it's really starting to effect me on a deeper level. i feel depressed and my health is starting to suffer for it.
i feel like i've been doing the running man for the last 5 years. running but getting nowhere.
god, i'm such a downer.

let's talk about something FUN!! oh, for any of you who 'livejournal', this blog is now syndicated and you can add it to your friends list by going to i am an internerd! :) keep reading, i'm sure i'll get out of this pit of despair sometime soon.
hope for me.


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