"Serenity of mind, good heartedness, silence, self-control, purity of nature — these are called the 'mental austerity'." (The Gita, Chapter XVII, 16)
The above verses show us the ways in which we can inculcate and assimilate these fundamental eternal values. Here're eight things we can do diligently to emerge as better persons:
1. Worship the God of your heart.
2. Maintain external cleanliness — Physical and Environmental.
3. Practice straightforwardness in dealing with others.
4. Live a life of self-control with respect to all your sense enjoyments.
5. Avoid acts of injuring others from your emotional and intellectual realms.
6. Speak only to express agreeable ideas of permanent value. When the truth is disagreeable to others, maintain a discreet silence.
7. Maintain pure and serene motives.
8. Maintain a relationship of understanding, tolerance and love with the world at large.
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