Last night I met up with Joni and her beau, Clayton Summers, for a few drinks at Alfredo's.
I just love that name. Clayton Summers. Sounds like a southern soap opera hunk's name. He is a banker though, and that fits the name perfectly.
Clayton used to live in Iceland during high school for a few years because he was part of an exchange program, and he just went back there a few weeks ago to visit.
He brought me back a bunch of brochures and maps and gave me a quick language lesson. He also taught me how to say the following, extremely important sentence:
"Eg er fuller og ekki erfit." = I am drunk and not difficult. = I am drunk and easy. Haha.
Speaking of exchange programs, I used to love the kids we'd have at our high school on exchange. One boy sticks out in my mind and his name was Petr Mack.
Petr was from Germany, if i recall correctly. We used to teach him all kinds of dirty words but we'd tell him that they weren't dirty so he'd use them all the time.
We told him "buttfuck" meant "to kiss" so he used to go around school trying out his new word. He'd come up to my friends and be all like "I am thinking i am wanting to buttfuck you." We'd die laughing. Poor Petr.
Tonight we're going to Brooklyn Heights to visit Bryan's bro's new apartment. It's his first one. I love that neighborhood. Right by the water, beautiful view.
We're all taking his mom out to dinner for a belated mother's day while we're out there. We got her this swank camera. I hope she's not too afraid to use it.
Later, we're heading back to Queens in time for the very first showing of the new Star Wars movie.
I'm not that much of a Star Wars person, really. I'm just going to see what all the hoopla is about. I seldom get it.